GEM The best GREEN Renewable Technology in the World Today!
GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine (The only green technology regarding environmental impact including wildlife) Competition
GEM Technology compared to wind and solar technology.
(GEM Highest Green Renewable Efficiency in the world Today Validated by Malaysian University and GEM Prototype)
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine approximately 89%
2 Wind approximately 37%
3 Solar approximately 20%
Predictability (GEM Highest Predictability in the world Today)
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine
2 Solar
3 Wind
Maintenance Cost
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine
2 Solar
3 Wind
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine
2 Solar
3 Wind
Wildlife survival
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine
2 Solar
3 Wind
Environmental Impact
1 GEM Hydro-kinetic Turbine
2 Wind
3 Solar
For more information click on GEM Technologies Hydro-kinetic Turbine at the top of the page.